University parking violations are payable at the Business Office in Voorhees Hall during normal business hours. Payment also may be mailed to the university as noted on the violation.
People who receive an excessive number of parking violations will be classified as an habitual parking offender (HPO). Habitual offenders are subject to additional disciplinary sanctions. If a vehicle or person receives in excess of five valid parking violations, the vehicle is subject to being ticketed by the city of Waukesha police and towed at the owner's expense.
Students are responsible for the vehicles they use on university property and any violations issued thereon, even if the vehicle's registration is in their parent's name, or in the name of some other member of the immediate family, or other person. If any guest receives a violation while parked on university property, the charge might be assigned to the student of whom he/she is a guest. This includes relatives and friends of the student visiting Carroll.
If you wish to contest a parking violation, you must do so in writing within 10 business days of the violation. Appeal forms are online or available from the Public Safety Center, 208 Wright St. Appeals are reviewed by the Parking Appeals Committee. The committee normally meets once a month. Additional meetings might occur as needed.
While tickets are being appealed, the fine will not increase as long as the appeal was turned into the Public Safety Center before the end of the 10 day grace period. Tickets appealed after the grace period will not be removed from a bill unless the appeal is upheld. Tickets on a bill will not be removed during the appeals process. After the committee decides the appeal, the results will be sent to the appellant via email. Copies of the decision will also be sent to the Business Office.
Parking policies, regulations and limitations may be added or changed as deemed necessary and notification made via the Public Safety Web site and/or other means. All questions about the parking regulations should be directed to the Public Safety Center.
Parking Appeals Information
On your appeal, state the reason(s) you feel the citation was issued in error.
Invalid Reasons for Appeal:
If any of the reasons listed below are why you are appealing a ticket, the appeal will be automatically denied.
- Personal convenience, lack of a parking spot near your destination, running late, etc. It typically requires some time to locate a parking spot on campus. It is suggested that drivers plan their schedules accordingly.
- Not knowing parking rules: Parking regulations are published in the student handbook and online. It is the driver's responsibility to know the parking rules and to comply with all posted signage and line markings. It is the students, faculty and staffs responsibility to obtain a valid parking permit for their guest to ensure that their guest does not experience parking problems.
- How long you were parked in violation: Officers will issue a citation to any vehicle parked in violation of regulations. An appeal that states that the vehicle was only parked for two minutes, five minutes, etc. is not considered valid.
- A restricted/prohibited violation during evening or weekend hours: All parking restrictions and prohibitions are enforced 24 hours per day, seven days per week, 365 days a year.
- The need to load or unload: With the exception of several spots with time restrictions, all loading/unloading parking permission requires authorization from the Department of Public Safety.
- The appellant's stating that they did not see the sign or line markings: It is the driver's responsibility to know the parking regulations and to comply with all posted signage and line markings.
- Forgot to put permit on my car: Drivers must display a permit in order to park legally. Permit must be attached to the lower left corner of the vehicles rear window by its own adhesive. If your permit becomes damaged or missing, it is your responsibility to notify the Department of Public Safety immediately.
- A vehicle malfunction: Drivers who experience a vehicle malfunction and cannot move their vehicle, should work with The Department of Public Safety for temporary special permission.
- Overnight Parking: Overnight permits are available for purchase at the Department of Public Safety and are only valid for lots 5N, 9, 10, 12 and 25.
- Medical Conditions: Only valid state-issued handicap permits or plates are recognized for handicap parking purposes. You may call the Department of Public Safety to arrange a ride to your campus destination.
- Different Vehicle: It is your responsibility to get a temporary permit for your temporary vehicle.
- Personal Safety Concerns: Call the Department of Public Safety for an escort if you have safety concerns about walking to your destination
The Appeals Committee is made up of staff & students and decisions are final.
If you have any questions, please refer to the Student Handbook or visit for complete parking regulations.
Download the Parking Appeals Form