Resident Parking Permit

2024-2025 Guidelines

Resident students with a sophomore, junior or senior status (with a minimum of 28 credits), may bring a vehicle to campus and park on campus property after obtaining a parking permit.
  • Applications for a parking permit are available online starting on July 22, 2024.
  • Completed applications are to be submitted electronically beginning July 22 through August 7, 2024 at 4:00 p.m.
  • Award letters will be sent to your Carroll email between August 21 – 24, 2024
  • Permits are to be paid for electronically through the Business Office and e-market by August 23, 2024 at 4:00 p.m.
  • Once the permit is paid in full, your permit will be placed in your campus mailbox by September 3, 2024
  • Parking permits go into effect at 10:00 p.m. on September 4, 2024
  • No permit pick-up will be available in person, unless special arrangements have been made.  
Permits are awarded by using a lottery system at the start of each school year. The permit will be for a specific residence hall lot or overflow lots. Once you are awarded a permit, you must pay the permit fee by the deadline or lose your permit. Awarded permits that are not paid for by August 23, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. will be re-issued to another student.

If your license plate or vehicle changes during the school year, you must notify the Public Safety Center. The university, by issuing a parking permit to an individual, confers a license to such individual to park in the lot appropriately designated for that permit. The university, however, does not guarantee a legal parking space to the holder of a parking permit. The responsibility for finding a legal parking space rests with the motor vehicle operator. Lack of space is not considered a valid excuse for the violation of these regulations.

Parking spaces are available on a first-come, first-serve basis to permit holders in each lot. If there are NO available spaces in your assigned lot, regardless of cause, you must notify the Public Safety Center and you will be instructed where to park your vehicle. Resident students with permits may park overnight in lots 9, 10 and 12 without being ticketed if their appropriate lot is full and given special permission by Public Safety. Escorts on campus are available 24/7 by contacting the Public Safety Center at 262-524-RIDE (7433).

If your permit becomes missing off your vehicle, please report it immediately to the Public Safety Center. You will be held responsible for any tickets you may receive while the permit is not displayed. Parking permits are valid for the academic school year indicated on the permit. Permits are non-transferable and are only good for the original permit holder. If you leave during the year or no longer need a permit, please scrape the permit off your vehicle and return it to the Public Safety Center. You will then need to complete a Parking Permit Refund form. The refund amount will be prorated and returned to you in the form of a check from the Business Office.

If you decide to have a vehicle later in the school year, please contact the Public Safety Center to see what permits are available at that time.

After completing and saving the application, attach the PDF in an email to

Resident Parking Application

Resident Parking Permit Pricing

  • All Residence Hall Surface Lots: $310/yr.
  • Overflow: $180/yr.
  • Pioneer, Frontier and Prairie Underground Parking: $425/yr.
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